Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Practical of Diploma Course


SPECIFIC PROBLEM:   To determine self-concept profile similarity of two persons.

BASIC CONCEPT:  One of the important problems of Performing art therapy is to customize mental images within the sufferer so that individual can develop positive self-concept.

Self concept means, in its simplest terms, what one  thinks of own self. Everyone has some kind of mental image of themselves; their strengths and weaknesses, their looks, their status in the community. Self-concept is the set of adjectives that is used by the individual to describe one self. One's behaviour is determined by one's self-concept. Self-concept is developed by one's interaction with its surroundings. Perceiving success in the examination individual feels happy. Experiencing repeated success in the examination, individual develops academic self-confidence. 
     Semantic differential scale of Osgood is useful  instrument to assess one's degree of self-concept. Purpose of semantic differential scale is to measure various facets of the meaning of concept. Concept must be the object  or stimulus which can elicit different responses from individuals. Concept must be relevant to the problem being investigated. Concept may be of members of family, employers, teachers, public figures, ethnic or cultural groups, abstract ideas as hatred, sickness, love or product names or brand name of company. Osgood (1957) discovered 3 kinds of factors - Evaluation, Potency and Activity. Evaluation : Good-bad, Fair-unfair, Clean-dirty, Honest-dishonest.
Potency : Strong-weak, Large-small, Hard-soft, Dominant-submissive. Activity : Hot-cold, Active-passive, Tense-relaxed, Quick-slow. One can use only one factor or multiple factors according to the concept.

Extent of preference to different adjectives will elicit one's positive, negative and neutral self-concept. 
Current study aims at examining self-concept profile of two persons. It 


Participants: Reason for selection. Their age, education, sex, marital status, caste, religion.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria.

a) Information schedule
b) Semantic differential scale

Procedure of data collection:

Rapport > filling up Information schedule > Semantic differential scale
Instruction, Precautions > Introspective report


Profile similarity

Figures and Tables

Positive self-concept
Negative self-concept
Neutral feeling


It will focus underlying reasons for positive/negative/neutral self-concept. The Art to be used for change in self-concept.