Thursday, April 4, 2019


t-test is a type of inferential statistic used to determine if there is a significant difference between the means of two groups, which may be related in certain features. ... A t-test is used as a hypothesis testing tool, which allows testing of an assumption applicable to a population.

There are two main types of ANOVA: (1) "one-way" ANOVA compares levels (i.e. groups) of a single factor based on single continuous response variable (e.g. comparing test score by 'level of education') and (2) a "two-way" ANOVA compares levels of two or more factors for mean differences on a single continuous response variable(e.g. comparing test score by both 'level of education' and 'zodiac sign'). In practice, you will see one-way ANOVAs more often and when the term ANOVA is generically used, it often refers to a one-way ANOVA. Henceforth in this blog entry, I use the term ANOVA to refer to the one-way flavor.